Category: Operations

Operations, Real Estate Trends, Technology,

Wealth of Nations Has Some Questions, A Couple of Suggestions

It’s been quite the week Detroit.  Let’s jump right in… The Autonomous Vehicle Race You won’t be surprised to learn that being a Detroit headquartered firm has its disadvantages.  One of…

Advising Decision Makers, Managing Change, Operations, Real Estate Trends,

What do high profile repudiations of REITs tell us about the future of the structure?

The decisions made by Macy’s/McDonald’s to reject REIT spin-offs are neither anomaly nor representative of a fundamental shift. In fact, their decisions have little to do with REITs or the…

Advising Decision Makers, International Real Estate, Operations, Trade,

Manufacturers Take Note: Is Your Real Estate TPP-Ready?

The debate over the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) has brought into sharp focus the tension between established industrialized nations like the US seeking to establish cross border standards/protections and emerging…